Kerrys off to a pretty strong start, despite the mass deception comment.
Apart from the rain that just ruined my night! Our knuckles white and persperation obviously showing, Paul explained that the music is his son's - he plays it to stay awake on the long drives between Stewart and Prince Rupert where he works as a ship surveyor.
A weekend of wonderful food, a comfy bed, hot showers and incredible generosity later, we're packing the bikes again, ready to board a ferry to Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, tomorrow. The imagery and music is wonderful. I began to see bikes on the lawns of single family dwellings!
I feel like for weeks I have been aware of my need for focus, and lacking the insight to see what it is that I should be focusing on. Am I supposed to confront the whole fucking group of people and tell them how I feel?? I'd rather fucking give them back the $2,000 and take it out of my RRSP and deal with the government at the end of the year than hear another lecture from her. What the fuck was I supposed to do? I got some bulge around the belly I'm just dying to get rid of. ESPN is showing the semi final match between Roger Federer and Juan Carlos Ferrero right now and I'm absolutely dying to watch it! I started thinking to myself that it was really more of a courtesy invite and Audoctor wouldnt go and Id be safe to enjoy my friends in a fun atmosphere. Ive just been doing a lot of thinking/reading and Ive had some thoughts.